Plug-N-Play Standalone Engine Management System

We need a test car!

While the selected model will support you car, we haven't come across a test platform to properly document a full installation. However, it's your lucky day! If you elect to loan your car to us for a short period of time while we document the instllation process, we'll make it worth your while (Think full dyno tune and a heavily discounted price).

If you are interested, please drop us a line at or see our contact page.

The EFI Tuners Guide

A Free Education In Electronic Fuel Injection and Ignition Control - How to Plan, Install, Configure and Tune your Standalone EMS!


The MegaSquirtPNP, as with any programmable engine management system, may not
be legal for use on pollution controlled vehicles and is therefore produced and sold for off road/race use only. Check federal/local laws.

MegaSquirtPNP, MSPNP, MegaSquirt PNP, and MS PNP, are trademarks of EFI Innovations, Inc d/b/a